Lina Buitrago

Lina Buitrago Gamboa

Lina Buitrago is an architect with a master’s degree in landscape architecture. She completed her professional degree in Architecture at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and her Master’s degree at the Leibniz Universität Hannover with the specialisation “European Master in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA)”.

Her academic and personal work explores site specificities from various perspectives, in which geography, sensitive and social approaches play a key role in place perception and design processes. During her professional experience in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Design in Colombia, she developed important technical and drawing skills to enable understanding of projects.

Throughout her professional and personal development, she is interested in recovering traditional drawing techniques, such as botanical drawing and landscape painting, so as to encourage enthusiasm for hand drawing as a fundamental tool for thinking, observing, and understanding the environment.

Curriculum vitae